Having auto insurance is both smart and prudent, but there is no question that it adds to the expense of owning a car. The good news is that insurance premiums can vary by hundreds of dollars depending on a number of factors. Review your coverages at the time of renewal to ensure you are getting the best rates. Our team at Stanley Insurance Agency can help you get a competitive quote on auto insurance. Just contact our experts for more information. Read more below about how to save money on car insurance.
Compare Insurance costs before you buy a car
Auto insurance premiums are based in part on the car’s price, the cost to repair it, and its overall safety record or likelihood of theft. Many insurance agencies offer discounts for features that reduce the risk of car theft or personal injury. In some cases, cars that are known as safe can also have lower insurance premiums. When you are comparing new or used vehicles to purchase, also do some research on how much each will cost to insure.
Raise Your Deductible
By choosing a higher deductible on your auto insurance, you can significantly lower your premium costs. However, you may need more money set aside for your deductible in the event of an accident.
Reduce optional insurances on your older car
As a rule, if your older car is worth less than 10 times your insurance premium, having collision and/or comprehensive insurance coverage may not be cost-effective. To find out if this is true check the value of your car and compare it to your insurance premium.
Contact Our Experts For Better Auto Insurance
Contact our team of experts at Stanley Insurance Agency for a quote on auto insurance today. Feel free to also contact us with any questions you may have about your existing coverages.